Yes!! They DO sell beautiful clothes, sexy bras&panties, make-up, hair/skin care products in Saudi Arabia! The Saudis also like to hold town square stonings. Of course most women in Saudi Arabia haven't experienced any other way of life.
American women, speak up! Do you want to look attractive if you have to wake up everyday and decide which radically-colored chidora would look best on you?!
Would you really give a fuck about soft skin? After all--who needs lotion when your body is erupting with boils and pimples due to heat, sweat and the inability for the skin to breathe.
Hey, Corporate America!! In this "worst-case scenario" we do NOT need YOUR fucking shit anymore.
American women don't hide. American women don't cower. American women have lust for life. American women have courage. Real American women see through your Political Pimps.
This diary is a direct promise to corporate lobbyists. Real American women do NOT support the nuclear option. Real American women want to see the Radical Right Fringe (AKA KKK) stand up and oppose corporate greed.
How do you define a real American woman? Hey! REAL Republican party members! (Directions Follow) Look in the mirror and pretend like you're NOT Snow White's mother. Look in the mirror and see your mother, your sister, your daughter AND your father, brother and son. American women can think for themselves! Apparently, the Radical Right Fringe and corporate Murka do not know how to Think because they are wannabe Ass-wipes. They obviously need real American women to teach them how to wipe the shit off their own ass. The RRR LIES like yellow-bellied Republicans bowing down to their corporate cronies and enabling Chimps. Any Real Republicans in the house? Speak up with Real American Women!