Theocracy BAD for Corporate Whores
Yes!! They DO sell beautiful clothes, sexy bras&panties, make-up, hair/skin care products in Saudi Arabia! The Saudis also like to hold town square stonings. Of course most women in Saudi Arabia...
View ArticleWhy do Republicans Hate Women? Proposed bill discriminates against female...
Republican Rep. John McHugh of New York has apparently been listening to the rhetoric of the radical "Concerned Women of America." Go here and to see...
View ArticleOddball--chili finger identified as masculine?
While this diary may seem a ridiculous in light of what's going on in the world, I can't forget one detail the MSM thoughtfully provided. Does anyone else remember the finger being described by...
View ArticlePlease help me debunk rethug LTE
Please help me debunk this kool-aid drinker's letter to the editor: This newspaper reaches a tri-state area to include Ashland, KY, rural SE OH and...
View ArticleBush Dynasty: Indoctrinate your Children--No Questions Asked!!!
Well, Jeb Bush and minions give everybody but themselves a great, big Fuck You! Apparently, Jebbie thinks that...
View ArticleThe Idiot Box&ramblings
My mother is hooked on the F/X series "Over There" She said, "When the show ends and the song comes on, I get goosebumps on my arms." (me too--the show is so reality-based TV) My mom is a rare...
Oh, don't we all salivate for something like that? Happy April Fool's Day everybody. Yes, this is short, cheap and to the point--much to my dismay of Bushco. May Bush, Cheney, his minions and the MSM...
View ArticleI hate Joe Scarborough
This is going to short and sweet. On Wednesday, Joe Scab-burrow will be "discussing" the minutemen. Anyone who visits Freeperville will know how those nutcases feel about minutemen. The (freepers)...
View ArticleWhy I don't rate comments
I've yet to rate someone's comment. Why? For some reason, I have no desire to do so. I'm more interested in reading the diaries and deciding which one(s)I should recommend. That gives me a helluva lot...
View ArticleBurn Books! Alabama wants to censor school library books
According to CBS news correspondent Mark Strassman, Alabama Republican lawmaker Gerald Allen thinks he knows what's best for everyone and has proposed a bill that would ban public school libraries...
View ArticleI'm Baaaack--The Freeperville Funnies
I steeled myself and visited freeperville today. Besides the usual American Idol nonsense in the general topics zone, a headline written by someone named dukeman, "A Far Left-Wing Mood Sampler:...
View ArticleTHEYBROKETHEGLASS!!!! Two U.S. Jets Missing
The U.S. lost contact Monday night with two U.S.Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornets in Iraq, a statement said. Details are still sketchy, but the military (according to Reuters) indicated there was 'no...
View ArticleTheocracy BAD for Corporate Whores
Yes!! They DO sell beautiful clothes, sexy bras&panties, make-up, hair/skin care products in Saudi Arabia! The Saudis also like to hold town square stonings. Of course most women in Saudi Arabia...
View ArticleWhy do Republicans Hate Women? Proposed bill discriminates against female...
Republican Rep. John McHugh of New York has apparently been listening to the rhetoric of the radical "Concerned Women of America." Go here and to see...
View ArticleOddball--chili finger identified as masculine?
While this diary may seem a ridiculous in light of what's going on in the world, I can't forget one detail the MSM thoughtfully provided. Does anyone else remember the finger being described by...
View ArticlePlease help me debunk rethug LTE
Please help me debunk this kool-aid drinker's letter to the editor: This newspaper reaches a tri-state area to include Ashland, KY, rural SE OH and...
View ArticleBush Dynasty: Indoctrinate your Children--No Questions Asked!!!
Well, Jeb Bush and minions give everybody but themselves a great, big Fuck You! Apparently, Jebbie thinks that...
View ArticleThe Idiot Box&ramblings
My mother is hooked on the F/X series "Over There" She said, "When the show ends and the song comes on, I get goosebumps on my arms." (me too--the show is so reality-based TV) My mom is a rare...
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