RushCrush replied, "This is something you will NEVER see on FR. THANK GOD!" Little Ray apparently enjoys violent fantasies. He had this to say, "Can we send 'em all a pistol and one bullett?" "Sounds like DUmmies should be put on suicide watch," added "WinOne4TheGipper." RockinRight is a real mental giant. "I love how they always refer to Bush as Bushco, indicating that he's some evil corporate entity in their minds. Exposes them for how ignorant they are." Kerretarded chimed in with his vast intelligence, "I go to DU almost every day for the grins but I don't think I would last long if I registered...It's like rubber-necking when you pass an accident scene along the roadside. I think I need help..." Yes, all Freepers need help!
I steeled myself and visited freeperville today. Besides the usual American Idol nonsense in the general topics zone, a headline written by someone named dukeman, "A Far Left-Wing Mood Sampler: depression, fear, dismay, anger, hatred..."
Dukeman visited KOS and listed numerous Kossack posts about a depression diary. I'm going to quote some of the funnier replies the dukeman received.
But first, a choice quote from dukeman himself--"I thought it might be a good time to check on the state of mental health among the far left."
The posts dukeman received are quite funny and suggest maybe he should be more concerned about mental health in freeperville.